Sunday, April 11, 2010

Daniel V. "Au Revoir"

Write a positive letter.

Do not use your resignation letter to list grievances or to make negative comments. I would have my resignation letter focus only on the positive side of my work experience. The content of your resignation letter should then be the content of your announcement meeting.

Schedule an announcement meeting.

Ask your employer or appropriate supervisor for a meeting in his/her office. I would say mornings are usually best. Announce or confirm your resignation. Offer your resignation letter at the conclusion of the meeting.

Behave in a professional manner.

  • Keep your announcement meeting brief. I would try to remain positive, calm, and resolute.
  • Beyond resigning with dignity, your goal is to leave a positive image of yourself to help you retain important professional contacts that may be helpful in future employment searches.


"Job Resignation Do's and Don'ts." Quintessential Careers: College, Careers, and Jobs Guide. Web. 20 Apr. 2010. .

Schneider, From Laura. "Resignation Letters - Great Examples of Resignation Letters - Tech Careers Resignations." Welcome to Tech Careers. Web. 21 Apr. 2010. .

Doyle, Alison. "Resignation Letter Sample." Job Searching - Job Search and Employment Guide. Web. 21 Apr. 2010. .WriteExpress: The #1 Choice for Sample Letters. Web. 20 Apr. 2010. .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think the tips you presented were really useful! Good job on the Power Points, and catchy tittle!

  3. I liked what you wrote about being professional and staying positive. Your powerpoint also had some good points in it. Great job!

  4. Very informative post. Great job, very detailed and well organized. I liked the powerpoint as well!

  5. Good job! It is very important to write a good resignation letter, it is something that many people wouldn't think twice about, but is a must to be respectful and professional! Great Job!

  6. I enjoyed the graphics you used for the slides. Very informative powerpoint.

  7. The information you presented would be very useful to new people to the business world! enjoyedreading and I love your title. :)

  8. Good job on the powerpoint, Dan. And I agree the title was very clever and got me hooked from the beginning.
